How To Tweak for Firefox and Firefox 4.0 GUI Customize
OK2...first, ak mntak maaf sbb gune dwibahasa...sbb tutorial ni ak copy n revise sndiri nk bgi lagi cntik..erm, tujuan kite adalah utk jadi cmni ;
Resized to 82% (was 1288 x 800) - Click image to enlarge
Click this bar to view the original image of 800x497px.

Kat sini ak akan tunjuk cmne cara utk jadi mcm kat atas tuh...skrang ni kite gune Firefox 3.6.13 untuk dapat interface( GUI ) mcm firefox 4.0 tapi siap ada addon2 yg menarik dan untuk tambah security browser.
Ni adalah listing untuk addon2 yang akan kita install brsame description dia :
1.AdblockPlus{1.3.3}.xpi -- Ads were yesterday!
2. AddNEditCookies+{0.3.1}.xpi -- Cookie Editor that allows you add and edit session and saved cookies (fixed)
3.BetterPrivacy{1.48.3}.xpi -- "Super-Cookie Safeguard"
4. BoostforFacebook{11.0.0}.xpi -- Enhancements for Facebook by StudioBoost
6. Desktop{}.xpi -- Customize the plain blank tab on front tab of Firefox
7. DontPhishMe{0.3.2}.xpi -- Anti-phishing addon that provide the Malaysian Internet user with information and notification to protect them against online banking phishing in Malaysia.
8. Echofon{}.xpi -- This extension lets you know twitter statuses.
9. ElementHidingHelperforAdblockPlus{1.1}.xpi -- Helps you create element hiding rules for Adblock Plus to fight the text ads.
10. FEBE{}.xpi -- Backup your Firefox data
11. FacebookPhotoZoom{1.9}.xpi -- Enlarge Facebook thumbnails on the fly
12. FireDownload{2.0.1}.xpi -- Supercharge your web downloads up to 10x as fast using multi-source downloading.
14. Fission{1.0.9}.xpi -- Progress bar in the address bar (Safari style).
15. Flagfox{4.0.12}.xpi -- Displays a flag depicting the location of the current server
16. Flashblock{}.xpi -- Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them.
17. Greasemonkey{0.8.20100408.6}.xpi -- A User Script Manager for Firefox
18. IntegratedGmail{2.6.9}.xpi -- Seamlessly into the gmail interface below the inbox (rather than the sidebar) using a collapsible box. Works w/Google Apps Accounts.
19. Linkification{1.3.8}.xpi -- Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
20. MRTechToolkit{6.0.4}.xpi -- (Formerly Local Install) Extension, theme and other power tools for all users.
21. Omnibar{}.xpi -- Integrates search bar to the location bar.
22. OpenBookmarksinNewTab{0.1.2010043001}.xpi -- Always opens new tab from bookmarks.
23. ScrapBook{1.3.7}.xpi -- Helps you to save Web pages and organize the collection.
24. ShowPassword{1.5}.xpi -- If you are not worried about someone looking from behind your back and stealing your passwords, why take additional pain for typing **** password fields,
25. SmartBookmarksBar{1.4.3}.xpi -- Organize your toolbar efficiently.
26. StrataBuddy{0.6.2}.xpi -- Companion add-on for Strata40.
27. TabScope{0.3.7}.xpi -- Preview and navigate tab contents through popup.
28.TubeStop{1.5}.xpi -- Stops the auto-play of YouTube videos.
29. UnitedStatesEnglishSpellchecker{5.0.1}.xpi -- English United States (en-US) Spellchecker
30. VacuumPlacesImproved{1.1}.xpi -- Defragment your firefox places.sqlite database to speed-up Firefox
31. WOT{20100908}.xpi -- Web of trust.
32. Strata40{0.6.2}.jar -- | Inspired by Firefox 4 mockups.
Mane yg ak bold tu boleh dikatekan penting n recomendded untuk install tp suggest korang install sume sbb baru nmpak cool n beneficial...tapi kalau korang x main Facebook atau x nk certain2 add on kat site Gmail contohnya, boleh la korang disable atau tak payah install terus( bleh tengok description addon tuh, ak nk expain dalam BM mcm bnyak jer..hehe )
OK, step2 nyer :
1. Install dulu firefox version 3.6.13 tu..yg older pn boleh tapi ak recommend kan yg latest la kan...klau da install sbelum ni, boleh proceed utk cari addon.
2. Install sume addon2 yg ak list tu( klau tak nak x pe ), boleh pegi ke site addon firefox dan buat search atau klik jer link kat atas tuh..
3. Consider korang sume da install sume tuh...restart your firefox bila da kuar arahan dalam pic ni..suggestion korang restart lepas da install semua sbb jimat masa.
pic 1
4. Bile dah bukak, nanti dia akan kuar beberapa tab baru utk inform korang da install beberapa addon sesebuah company tu...bla3...dan ada jugak option utk select sesuatu seperti untuk addon AdBlock Plus, ak suggest korang tekan jer OK.
5. Lepas tu, korang pegi ke Tools >Add-ons dan carikan StrataBuddy seterusnya tekan butang Options. Kat step ni mesti lah theme yg active adalah Strata40..boleh recheck kat Tools>>Add-on>>Themes
pic 2
6. Akan ada 1 windows yg akan kuar(App Button ), dan pilih option mcm gamba kat bwah...( ni ikut citarasa sendiri jgak ).. Masa klik tu, perubahan adalah instant, boleh observe sendiri ok..
pic 3
7. Klik pada tab sebelah n ikot pic kat bwah jugak..yang ni kena wat 'Aero Glass' baru nampak lagi cun.
pic 4
8. Pada option 'Tabs' pula, ni pun boleh ikot gambar, tp atas citarasa sendiri gak..
pic 5
9. Kat 'Misc' tu, boleh pilih sendiri, tapi nk lagi lawa boleh refer pic bwah..lepas da siap, boleh close sume window tu dan kembali ke firefox.
pic 6
10. Optional untuk sape2 nak hide kat Menu Bar yang kat top panel firefox kite tu boleh refer cini...dia akan jadi autohide..untuk kembalikan dia boleh tekan button 'Alt' @ F10.
pic 7
11. Lepas da siap wat sume tuh, firefox anda akan kelihatan seperti berikut :
pic 8
-addon2 ni yg korang install jadi gini ;
- Fission - Progress line warna hijau untuk show progress loading sesuatu site.
- Omnibar - Untuk gabung address bar dengan search bar untuk jadi 1 bar sahaja yg cool.
- Tab Scope - Klau korang point kan mouse kat tab sebelah yang current active, korang boleh tengok preview dia mcm dalam pic kat atas.
- Flagfox - Untuk tunjuk website tu berasal dari mane server dia( kat address bar hujung skali )
11. Ok, utk customize blank page firefox pula, kita guna addon Desktop. cuba klik button new tab..mesti ada kuar layout baru kn..OK right klik dan pilih 'Preference' dan klik 'Browse' utk pilih gamba sendiri utk jadi mcam pic atas skali tuh...
pic 9
12. Untuk tambah screenshot website favourite kita pulak, boleh right klik kat 'new tab' page tadi, pilih ' thumnails' dan type website yg korang suka...tapi makesure korang browse dulu ke website tu, sebab addon ni akan capture cache yang ada utk website tu dan jadi kan sbagai thumbnails..
pic 10
13. Dan, bukan thumbnails saja korang boleh tambah, folder atau search juga boleh tambah ikut citarasa masing2...untuk reposition mende2 tu, boleh jer drag n drop kat tempat2 yang berkenan ikut grid yang ade, grid tu pun boleh tukar size dia( right klik>>grid)
pic 11
Da siap spenuh nya untuk customize firefox...tiba masa untuk tweak plak..
a. Mula2 buka link ni about:config dekat new tab, dan klik 'I promise' tuh..
Resized to 82% (was 1292 x 800) - Click image to enlarge
Click this bar to view the original image of 800x495px.

b. Skrang ak list kan tweak2 untuk laju kan firefox nih...cara dia adalah cume taip ( sori bahasa campur, sbb ak copy pasta..hehe )
1. Disable Extension Compatibility Checks
extensions.checkCompatibility = False
extensions.checkUpdateSecurity = False
2. Speed increase. Set..
network.http.pipelining to true
network.http.proxy.pipelining to true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 30 to 8
network.http.max-connections 30 to 96
network.http.max-connections-per-server 15 to 32
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server 6 to 8
network.http.pipelining.ssl false to true
Right Click –> New– > Interger or String
“content.notify.backoffcount”: set “5“; (Five) ---> integer
“plugin.expose_full_path”: set “true”. ---> string
“ui.submenuDelay”: set “0; (zero) ----> integer
3.Right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer.
Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″.
This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages 2-30 times faster now
4. Location Bar (Set number Auto Complete URL at Address Bar)
This is a good hack to trim down that huge auto-complete list on your URL bar. By default it displays maximum 12 URL
browser.urlbar.maxRichResults = #
Enter Number at # (3,10,12 etc)
5. Reduce RAM usage to 10mb when Firefox is minimized
Right Click in the page and select New -> Boolean.
In the box that pops up enter “config.trim_on_minimize”. Press Enter.
Now select True and then press Enter.
6. Limit RAM usage. ( optional )
If Firefox takes up too much memory on your computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Filter “browser.cache” and select “browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have between 512MB and 1GB ram.
7. Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized.
This setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean. Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE.
8. Move or remove the close tab button. ( optional )
Do you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them. Edit the preference for “browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1: (Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2: Don’t display any close buttons
* 3: Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
9. Disable Prefetch (Helpful for frequent Google searcher, low-speed internet connection or low RAM)
network.prefetch-next = False
10. Extend Spell check to forms
layout.spellcheckDefault = 2
Change Value from 1 to 2
11. Disabler Browser Toolbar Tip = False
12. Show More Tabs on Single Firefox Window before Scrolling
browser.tabs.tabMinWidth = 75
Setting lesser value with reduce Tab width
Ni lak userscript utk addon Greasmonkey..
link -- Script ni untuk check sesuatu file di sesebuah hosting seperti di tanpa perlu buka page hotfile tersebut...script ni akan check dan tunjuk tick warna hijau jika file untuk di download tersebut masih ada di hosting tersebut..list2 hosting yg di sokong anda boleh tengok sendiri di link atas...recommended to install
Ok, tu je la tweak yang ak dpt share...klau ade lagi sila komen ye, nanti ak tambah...
p/s : ak nk rephrase addon yg ak suke kat ats tuh..
1. FEBE --bleh backup n restore sume data2 kita
2. Dont phish me -- bleh detect phising( web palsu ) semasa kita surf web..contoh fake website..
3. facebook photo zoom -- bleh zoom picture seseorang tanpa perlu klik kat picture tuh..
4. Fire download -- boleh replace downloader firefox bese, n same laju ngan IDM tau..jgn men2..
5. Flashblock -- sekat mana2 flash sbelum dia loading...boleh lajukan browsing speed kita.
6. Integrated Gmail -- bagi interface lagi cun kat gmail kita...
7. Scrapbook -- Boleh capture webpage lengkap..berguna untuk tengok page tu pada masa2 lain... <-- ak suke nih
8. MR Tech toolkit -- sebagai tools manager kita...senang nk handle2 sume yg berkaitan dengan firefox nih..cth: theme, addon
9.Show password -- boleh tengok password kita walaupun di hide kn oleh firefox...alih je pointer mouse ke text box password..
10. vaccuum place improved -- klik skali utk dia clean mane2 tempat yg tersumbat...haha..boleh laju kan load time firefox
11. WOT -- bleh tunjuk website yang tak selamat utk di surf
Resized to 82% (was 1288 x 800) - Click image to enlarge
Kat sini ak akan tunjuk cmne cara utk jadi mcm kat atas tuh...skrang ni kite gune Firefox 3.6.13 untuk dapat interface( GUI ) mcm firefox 4.0 tapi siap ada addon2 yg menarik dan untuk tambah security browser.
Ni adalah listing untuk addon2 yang akan kita install brsame description dia :
1.AdblockPlus{1.3.3}.xpi -- Ads were yesterday!
2. AddNEditCookies+{0.3.1}.xpi -- Cookie Editor that allows you add and edit session and saved cookies (fixed)
3.BetterPrivacy{1.48.3}.xpi -- "Super-Cookie Safeguard"
4. BoostforFacebook{11.0.0}.xpi -- Enhancements for Facebook by StudioBoost
6. Desktop{}.xpi -- Customize the plain blank tab on front tab of Firefox
7. DontPhishMe{0.3.2}.xpi -- Anti-phishing addon that provide the Malaysian Internet user with information and notification to protect them against online banking phishing in Malaysia.
8. Echofon{}.xpi -- This extension lets you know twitter statuses.
9. ElementHidingHelperforAdblockPlus{1.1}.xpi -- Helps you create element hiding rules for Adblock Plus to fight the text ads.
10. FEBE{}.xpi -- Backup your Firefox data
11. FacebookPhotoZoom{1.9}.xpi -- Enlarge Facebook thumbnails on the fly
12. FireDownload{2.0.1}.xpi -- Supercharge your web downloads up to 10x as fast using multi-source downloading.
14. Fission{1.0.9}.xpi -- Progress bar in the address bar (Safari style).
15. Flagfox{4.0.12}.xpi -- Displays a flag depicting the location of the current server
16. Flashblock{}.xpi -- Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them.
17. Greasemonkey{0.8.20100408.6}.xpi -- A User Script Manager for Firefox
18. IntegratedGmail{2.6.9}.xpi -- Seamlessly into the gmail interface below the inbox (rather than the sidebar) using a collapsible box. Works w/Google Apps Accounts.
19. Linkification{1.3.8}.xpi -- Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
20. MRTechToolkit{6.0.4}.xpi -- (Formerly Local Install) Extension, theme and other power tools for all users.
21. Omnibar{}.xpi -- Integrates search bar to the location bar.
22. OpenBookmarksinNewTab{0.1.2010043001}.xpi -- Always opens new tab from bookmarks.
23. ScrapBook{1.3.7}.xpi -- Helps you to save Web pages and organize the collection.
24. ShowPassword{1.5}.xpi -- If you are not worried about someone looking from behind your back and stealing your passwords, why take additional pain for typing **** password fields,
25. SmartBookmarksBar{1.4.3}.xpi -- Organize your toolbar efficiently.
26. StrataBuddy{0.6.2}.xpi -- Companion add-on for Strata40.
27. TabScope{0.3.7}.xpi -- Preview and navigate tab contents through popup.
28.TubeStop{1.5}.xpi -- Stops the auto-play of YouTube videos.
29. UnitedStatesEnglishSpellchecker{5.0.1}.xpi -- English United States (en-US) Spellchecker
30. VacuumPlacesImproved{1.1}.xpi -- Defragment your firefox places.sqlite database to speed-up Firefox
31. WOT{20100908}.xpi -- Web of trust.
32. Strata40{0.6.2}.jar -- | Inspired by Firefox 4 mockups.
Mane yg ak bold tu boleh dikatekan penting n recomendded untuk install tp suggest korang install sume sbb baru nmpak cool n beneficial...tapi kalau korang x main Facebook atau x nk certain2 add on kat site Gmail contohnya, boleh la korang disable atau tak payah install terus( bleh tengok description addon tuh, ak nk expain dalam BM mcm bnyak jer..hehe )
OK, step2 nyer :
1. Install dulu firefox version 3.6.13 tu..yg older pn boleh tapi ak recommend kan yg latest la kan...klau da install sbelum ni, boleh proceed utk cari addon.
2. Install sume addon2 yg ak list tu( klau tak nak x pe ), boleh pegi ke site addon firefox dan buat search atau klik jer link kat atas tuh..
3. Consider korang sume da install sume tuh...restart your firefox bila da kuar arahan dalam pic ni..suggestion korang restart lepas da install semua sbb jimat masa.
pic 1
4. Bile dah bukak, nanti dia akan kuar beberapa tab baru utk inform korang da install beberapa addon sesebuah company tu...bla3...dan ada jugak option utk select sesuatu seperti untuk addon AdBlock Plus, ak suggest korang tekan jer OK.
5. Lepas tu, korang pegi ke Tools >Add-ons dan carikan StrataBuddy seterusnya tekan butang Options. Kat step ni mesti lah theme yg active adalah Strata40..boleh recheck kat Tools>>Add-on>>Themes
pic 2
6. Akan ada 1 windows yg akan kuar(App Button ), dan pilih option mcm gamba kat bwah...( ni ikut citarasa sendiri jgak ).. Masa klik tu, perubahan adalah instant, boleh observe sendiri ok..
pic 3
7. Klik pada tab sebelah n ikot pic kat bwah jugak..yang ni kena wat 'Aero Glass' baru nampak lagi cun.
pic 4
8. Pada option 'Tabs' pula, ni pun boleh ikot gambar, tp atas citarasa sendiri gak..
pic 5
9. Kat 'Misc' tu, boleh pilih sendiri, tapi nk lagi lawa boleh refer pic bwah..lepas da siap, boleh close sume window tu dan kembali ke firefox.
pic 6
10. Optional untuk sape2 nak hide kat Menu Bar yang kat top panel firefox kite tu boleh refer cini...dia akan jadi autohide..untuk kembalikan dia boleh tekan button 'Alt' @ F10.
pic 7
11. Lepas da siap wat sume tuh, firefox anda akan kelihatan seperti berikut :
pic 8
-addon2 ni yg korang install jadi gini ;
- Fission - Progress line warna hijau untuk show progress loading sesuatu site.
- Omnibar - Untuk gabung address bar dengan search bar untuk jadi 1 bar sahaja yg cool.
- Tab Scope - Klau korang point kan mouse kat tab sebelah yang current active, korang boleh tengok preview dia mcm dalam pic kat atas.
- Flagfox - Untuk tunjuk website tu berasal dari mane server dia( kat address bar hujung skali )
11. Ok, utk customize blank page firefox pula, kita guna addon Desktop. cuba klik button new tab..mesti ada kuar layout baru kn..OK right klik dan pilih 'Preference' dan klik 'Browse' utk pilih gamba sendiri utk jadi mcam pic atas skali tuh...
pic 9
12. Untuk tambah screenshot website favourite kita pulak, boleh right klik kat 'new tab' page tadi, pilih ' thumnails' dan type website yg korang suka...tapi makesure korang browse dulu ke website tu, sebab addon ni akan capture cache yang ada utk website tu dan jadi kan sbagai thumbnails..
pic 10
13. Dan, bukan thumbnails saja korang boleh tambah, folder atau search juga boleh tambah ikut citarasa masing2...untuk reposition mende2 tu, boleh jer drag n drop kat tempat2 yang berkenan ikut grid yang ade, grid tu pun boleh tukar size dia( right klik>>grid)
pic 11
Da siap spenuh nya untuk customize firefox...tiba masa untuk tweak plak..
a. Mula2 buka link ni about:config dekat new tab, dan klik 'I promise' tuh..
Resized to 82% (was 1292 x 800) - Click image to enlarge
b. Skrang ak list kan tweak2 untuk laju kan firefox nih...cara dia adalah cume taip ( sori bahasa campur, sbb ak copy pasta..hehe )
1. Disable Extension Compatibility Checks
extensions.checkCompatibility = False
extensions.checkUpdateSecurity = False
2. Speed increase. Set..
network.http.pipelining to true
network.http.proxy.pipelining to true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 30 to 8
network.http.max-connections 30 to 96
network.http.max-connections-per-server 15 to 32
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server 6 to 8
network.http.pipelining.ssl false to true
Right Click –> New– > Interger or String
“content.notify.backoffcount”: set “5“; (Five) ---> integer
“plugin.expose_full_path”: set “true”. ---> string
“ui.submenuDelay”: set “0; (zero) ----> integer
3.Right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer.
Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0″.
This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages 2-30 times faster now
4. Location Bar (Set number Auto Complete URL at Address Bar)
This is a good hack to trim down that huge auto-complete list on your URL bar. By default it displays maximum 12 URL
browser.urlbar.maxRichResults = #
Enter Number at # (3,10,12 etc)
5. Reduce RAM usage to 10mb when Firefox is minimized
Right Click in the page and select New -> Boolean.
In the box that pops up enter “config.trim_on_minimize”. Press Enter.
Now select True and then press Enter.
6. Limit RAM usage. ( optional )
If Firefox takes up too much memory on your computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us. Filter “browser.cache” and select “browser.cache.disk.capacity”. It’s set to 50000, but you can lower it, depending on how much memory you have. Try 15000 if you have between 512MB and 1GB ram.
7. Reduce RAM usage further for when Firefox is minimized.
This setting will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, taking up much less memory. And there is no noticeable difference in speed when you restore Firefox, so it’s definitely worth a go. Right-click anywhere and select New-> Boolean. Name it “config.trim_on_minimize” and set it to TRUE.
8. Move or remove the close tab button. ( optional )
Do you accidentally click on the close button of Firefox’s tabs? You can move them or remove them. Edit the preference for “browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:
* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1: (Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2: Don’t display any close buttons
* 3: Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)
9. Disable Prefetch (Helpful for frequent Google searcher, low-speed internet connection or low RAM)
network.prefetch-next = False
10. Extend Spell check to forms
layout.spellcheckDefault = 2
Change Value from 1 to 2
11. Disabler Browser Toolbar Tip = False
12. Show More Tabs on Single Firefox Window before Scrolling
browser.tabs.tabMinWidth = 75
Setting lesser value with reduce Tab width
Ni lak userscript utk addon Greasmonkey..
link -- Script ni untuk check sesuatu file di sesebuah hosting seperti di tanpa perlu buka page hotfile tersebut...script ni akan check dan tunjuk tick warna hijau jika file untuk di download tersebut masih ada di hosting tersebut..list2 hosting yg di sokong anda boleh tengok sendiri di link atas...recommended to install
Ok, tu je la tweak yang ak dpt share...klau ade lagi sila komen ye, nanti ak tambah...
p/s : ak nk rephrase addon yg ak suke kat ats tuh..
1. FEBE --bleh backup n restore sume data2 kita
2. Dont phish me -- bleh detect phising( web palsu ) semasa kita surf web..contoh fake website..
3. facebook photo zoom -- bleh zoom picture seseorang tanpa perlu klik kat picture tuh..
4. Fire download -- boleh replace downloader firefox bese, n same laju ngan IDM tau..jgn men2..
5. Flashblock -- sekat mana2 flash sbelum dia loading...boleh lajukan browsing speed kita.
6. Integrated Gmail -- bagi interface lagi cun kat gmail kita...
7. Scrapbook -- Boleh capture webpage lengkap..berguna untuk tengok page tu pada masa2 lain... <-- ak suke nih
8. MR Tech toolkit -- sebagai tools manager kita...senang nk handle2 sume yg berkaitan dengan firefox nih..cth: theme, addon
9.Show password -- boleh tengok password kita walaupun di hide kn oleh firefox...alih je pointer mouse ke text box password..
10. vaccuum place improved -- klik skali utk dia clean mane2 tempat yg tersumbat...haha..boleh laju kan load time firefox
11. WOT -- bleh tunjuk website yang tak selamat utk di surf
Thanks to R-H and arefiqrc
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