Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Menambah atau mengecilkan ukuran Partisi Harddisk

Partisi (Bahasa Inggris: Partition), dalam sistem berkas dan manajemen media penyimpanan adalah sebuah bagian dari memori atau media penyimpanan yang terpisah secara logis yang berfungsi seolah-olah bagian tersebut terpisah secara fisik. Media penyimpanan yang dapat dipartisi adalah memori (baik itu memori fisik ataupun memori maya oleh manajer memori sistem operasi), hard disk, magneto-optical disk (MO Disk), dan beberapa flash memory. Meskipun demikian, istilah partisi saat ini digunakan untuk merujuk pada bagian dari hard disk.

Partisi dibuat ketika pengguna membuatnya dengan menggunakan utilitas partisi (seperti halnya utilitas DOS/Linux fdisk, fips, Disk Druid, utilitas Windows diskpart, atau produk komersial Symantec Norton Partition Magic) dan memformatnya dengan memberinya sebuah sistem berkas tertentu.

Seringkali kita akan membuat sebuah partisi baru di satu harddisk yang mempunyai kapasitas besar (500Gb misalnya) menjadi Dua partisi atau lebih, untuk keperluan penginstallan operating sistem lain seperti ubuntu ataupun windows 7, berikut kami akan menunjukkan cara membuat partisi baru diharddisk, atau cara memperbesar dan mengecilkan ukuran partisi di harddisk menggunakan operating sistem Windows 7 atau windows Vista.

Windows 7 dan vista sudah tersedia utilitas partisi, jadi kita tidak akan menggunakan utilitas pihak ketiga seperti norton partion magic dll, buka Control panel dan ketikkan “partisi” di kotak pencarian, buka ajah link yang muncul “Create and format harddisk partitions”

Friday, November 25, 2011

Menginstall Windows 7 melalui USB Flashdisk

 Selama ini saya telah mencoba mencari informasi bagaimana caranya menginstall Windows Xp melalui Flashdisk, dan akhirnya berhasil jinstall-windows-7-from-usbuga, walaupun prosesnya berjalan agak lambat dan kupikir ngga bakalan juga nih bisa menginstall lewat USB flashdisk, baru2 ini telah banyak artikel yang membahas tentang cara2 menginstall windows melalui USB flashdisk, dan saya pikir gak ada salahnya mencoba trik yang lain, siapa tau ada peningkatan dalam hal kecepatan penginstallannya.

Menginstall Windows melalui USB flashdisk ini ternyata banyak keuntungannya dibanding melalui CD atau DVD disk, Kita tidak perlu khawatir akan CD atau DVD yang ngga kebaca sama CD/DVD-ROM, CD atau DVD yang tergores, kadang menyulitkan dalam proses penginstallan windows, sedangkan melalui Flashdisk itu sendiri, hal yang demikian ngga lah perlu terjadi lagi.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Langkah2 Cara Menginstall windows 7

 Bagi yang belum pernah menginstall windows 7 ke komputer atau laptop. berikut cara menginstall windows 7 lengkap dengan gambar gambarnya. Langkah2 ini baik dengan menggunakan media DVD ataupun media lain seperti memakai flashdisk adalah sama, baik itu untuk versi 32bit maupun versi 64bit, bagi yang belum punya instalasi windows7 menggunakan media flashdisk silahkan dilihat cara menginstall windows 7 menggunakan flashdisk disini.

Yuk kita mulai!.

Masukkan DVD windows 7 atau colokkan flashdisk windows 7 kita, dan kemudian booting lah memakai media yang telah kita pilih, lalu proses loading file akan dimulai.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Download Windows 7

Kebanyakan tidak semua perangkat lunak dijual secara online di mana pengguna dapat membayar menggunakan kartu kredit atau paypal dan ketika transaksi selesai, mereka akan dapat men-download versi lengkap atau disertakan dengan lisensi kunci ( serial number ) untuk mengubah versi percobaan ( versi trial ) menjadi aktif versi lengkap ( versi full). Adapun sistem operasi Windows 7, Microsoft tidak menjual secara online dan satu-satunya alasan mengapa ada yang asli dan resmi Windows 7 instalasi ISO yang dapat didownload di Internet adalah karena beberapa etalase online berbasis web dan pengecer seperti “Digital River” menjual lisensi Windows 7.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Adobe Flash Bug | Spy On The Webcams of Your Website Visitors

A slight variation of a previously designed clickjacking attack that used a Adobe Flash vulnerability has once again made it possible for website administrators to surreptitiously spy on their visitors by turning on the user's computer webcam and microphone.
It works in all versions of Adobe Flash that the researcher have tested . He’ve confirmed that it works in the Firefox and Safari for Mac browsers. Use one of those if you check out the live demo. There’s a weird CSS opacity bug in most other browsers (Chrome for Mac and most browsers on Windows/Linux).
Clickjacking + Adobe Flash = Sad Times!
This attack works by using a neat variation of the normal clickjacking technique that spammers and other bad people are using in the wild right now. For the uninitiated:
Combine clickjacking with the Adobe Flash Player Setting Manager pageand you have a recipe for some sad times.

How the attack works ?

Instead of iframing the whole settings page (which contains the framebusting code), Just  iframe the settings SWF file. This  bypasses the framebusting JavaScript code, since we don’t load the whole page — just the remote .SWF file. I was really surprised to find out that this actually works!
 A bunch of clickjacking attacks in the wild,  never any attacks where the attacker iframes a SWF file from a remote domain to clickjack it — let alone a .SWF file as important as one that controls access to your webcam and mic!
The problem here is the Flash Player Setting Manager, this inheritance from Macromedia might be the Flash Player security Achilles heel.
This is a screenshot of what the Settings Manager .SWF file looks like:

Adobe Flash Settings Manager

| Source | 

Monday, October 17, 2011

WiFi Manager

WiFi Manager v5.6 - A must have for every network administrator

ManageEngine WiFi Manager is an integrated and centralized management
and security solution for wireless networks (WLANs) for enterprises.

It enhances the availability and security of your WLANs by continuously
monitoring the network as well as the airspace.

+ WiFi Manager offers wireless device monitoring, one-click configuration, access point firmware management, wireless security management and a variety of reports that remove the complexity of wireless network management.
+ WiFi Manager can detect almost all major wireless threats including rogue attacks, intrusions, sniffers, DoS attacks, and vulnerabilities.
+ With WiFi Manager you'll have complete control over your wireless devices as well as your airspace, and more time to focus on core IT operations.

Bonus tools: Air crack, hack wifi and wireless key, does support WAP, WAP2, WEP encryption.

Unlock With WiFi

Unlock With WiFi v2.1.1

Hate entering your password every time you turn on your phone?
When you’re at home, or work, you don’t need to worry about losing your
phone, so why should you have to enter your password?

Unlock your phone when you’re connected to your home
WiFi network. What does “unlock” mean? It means you don’t have to
enteryour password/pattern/PIN when you turn on your phone.

How does it work?
When you get home and connect to your WiFi network, your device will unlock. Then when you leave, and the WiFi disconnects, the device will lock again. You have to enter your password the first time after you connect to your WiFi network. This is so that if someone steals or finds your phone, they can’t just bring it to your house to unlock it.

After you enter your password once while connected to your WiFi network, you won’t have to enter it again until you leave/disconnect. This is great for SMS texting!

What else does it do?
You can also set a lock delay, for when you’re not at home. The default delay is set to 5 seconds (you can adjust it), so when you turn the screen off, the device won’t lock until 5 seconds have
passed. That way, if you remember something you forgot to do, you can turn it back on without entering your password. This feature is considered experimental at this time. It works on most devices, but isn’t guaranteed to work on all devices.

There are also battery saving options to:
+ Turn off WiFi when you leave home
+ Turn on GPS when you leave home
+ Turn off GPS when you get home
+ Turn on Bluetooth when you leave home
+ Turn off Bluetooth when you get home
+ Turn off Auto Sync when you leave home
+ Turn on Auto Sync when you get home
+ This feature is experimental, and not guaranteed to work on all devices. Works on tablets too!